Sunday, June 27, 2010

Work the Angle

These are some experimental shots that I try from time-to-time. The idea is to just snap shots while moving. You obviously don't get a clear shot, but the movement in the shot makes for a interesting image.

Summer love? Over the past few weeks I have been noticing a lot of stickers and graffiti focused on love or hearts.


mariam said...

What's the Arabic calligraphy from? I'm curious.

E said...

Remember that link I sent you months back about the Frank 151 e-book on the Middle East? The one with articles on Edward Said, Hypernova, etc... That is a photo of the cover of the physical copy of that book.

According to the book it's from the Turkish writer Haqqi in Thulth style

mariam said...

Gotcha. Very cool!